Why Matlab ?
Differently from ‘strong-typed’ languages, Matlab does not require the programmer to specify the d type of a variable (int, double, etc.), Moreover, no keyword is necessary to declare a variable, they are created when a value is assigned. This may look trivial, but simplifies enormously the code
C ++ ??
LabVIEW implementation of a Tkacik random number generator
In 1996, as a research assistant in the Bioengineering Lab at Universidad Iberoamericana Plantel Santa Fe in Mexico City I developed in LabVIEW a graphical control interface of a simulator of the penicillin synthesis process. In this project one computer was fully dedicated to run the algorithms while a second computer, connected through a LAN network, was dedicated to transmit simulation parameters, then retrieve, log, analyze and visualize the results in real time.
from 1997 to 1998 I developed in LabVIEW and C++ (through Code Interface Nodes -CIN), a user interface to wirelessly control the movements of a microrobot with a laptop PC, either manually with a joystick, with a programmed sequence of movements or in closed loop, letting the computer take decisions based on the data collected by the robot's sensors and transmitted through its miniature RF wireless link.
From 1994 to 2003, as a designer of custom electronic circuits, I did extensive software development and system integration using LabVIEW and custom-designed electronic boards, as well as hardware for data acquisition, machine vision and motion control from National Instruments. In this endeavor, it was of great help the Industrial Automation diploma that I gained in my university after graduating of licentiate's level. Some of the projects that I completed are:
Graphical interface to a custom-designed sensor board for an eye-pressure hydrostatic emulator.
Vehicle access, payment and statistics system
Weight-averaging currency counting scale system
Identification network control, deployed on custom-designed RF-ID and magnetic card readers.
During my master's program, in the course Reconfigurable Computing I proposed and explained, as a final project, a modification to the LabVIEW data structures for it to be used as a general purpose hardware description language, like Verilog or VHDL, as well as how to cross-compile these languages into labVIEW diagrams capable to run in commercial FPGA's instead of only on the specialized hardware RIO, produced by National Instruments, currently programmed through the LabVIEW-FPGA module.
5. Also in my master's program, in the course VLSI Design, I implemented in LabVIEW a Tkacik random number generator to dynamically compare its output with the VLSI implementation of the same algorithm in Verilog, being emulated on Cadence/Synopsys on a UNIX platform; as well as an utility to calculate the IO-pin placement of the chip under design.
Data acquisition, temperature, control of Peltier temperature for micro actuators.