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Photopolymer microvalve connecting two microchannels, fabricated by Jose and colleagues at UofA. The valve is 1.2 mm diameter.

Early in my career I started to work on the R&D of biomedical devices. My grad studies focused on the design and fabrication of MEMS/Microfluidic Systems for medical applications. Along the way I designed inertial sensors, capacitive pressure sensors, electrostatic actuators and microvalves, some of which were prototyped in the cleanroom. My research interests and past projects include:

  • MEMS/Microfluidic systems for medical diagnosis and treatment (BioMEMS)
  • Intra-ocular microvalves and pressure sensors
  • Phase change microactuators
  • Phase-change nanomaterials
  • Electrostatic microvalves
  • Capillarity-driven valve-less microfluidic systems
  • RF-ID and biometric Identification